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Kyle & Lauren Collins

Kyle & Lauren

Get to Know Us

Prior to launching Steadfast Church, Kyle and Lauren faithfully pastored in their local church for 13 years through various roles. Kyle and Lauren have enjoyed 15 years of marriage together and have 4 boys; Bentley, Logan, Grayson and Elijah. Together, they have a deep passion to lead individuals and families towards a life changing and growing relationship with Jesus. Over the last year, the Lord has solidified in their hearts His call to plant a church that is both grounded in the fullness of scripture as well as genuine community with other believers. As they have sought the Lord together for His will on the specific location to plant, He brought them back to their roots. Not only was Lauren born and raised in Newtown, but Kyle being bi-vocational his entire ministry career, has worked full time in Newtown since 2012.


Steadfast Church exists to help people experience the life-changing power of Jesus Christ and grow stronger in faith through community with fellow believers. 


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2025 by Steadfast Church

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